Application Deadline:

  • Applications must be submitted through this online portal. Paper applications will not be accepted.
  • This online portal will close at exactly 5:00 p.m., therefore, Applicants must click the blue submit button at the bottom of the application before 5:00 P.M. on August 5, 2024.
  • Applicants are responsible for taking potential system delays and slowdowns into account when planning their submission.
  • No extensions to the deadline will be granted.

Technical assistance links can be found throughout this online application to assist applicants with submission. Important technical assistance documents include:

Please also keep the following in mind in preparing an application:

  • The online application platform operates best on Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, and Apple Safari web browsers.
  • The platform does not support the use of Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.
  • The person who starts the application is called an "owner" in the online Submittable system. Only the owner will be able to see and click the submit button
  • Applicants can invite other team members to collaborate on the application: click here to learn more.
  • Applicants can manually save by clicking the Save Draft button at the end of this application system.
  • Red Asterisks are required fields.
  • A blue submit button is found at the end of this online application system. Only click the blue submit button when the application is final and no further changes need to be made.  
  • When the account owner clicks the blue submit button, an automated confirmation e-mail will be sent. Keep the confirmation e-mail for your records. If you click the submit button and do not receive an e-mail confirmation, please email the OGALS National Park Service Grant Project Officer assigned to your county. The Competitive Project Officer will confirm receipt of your application and send you the confirmation e-mail for your records.
  • Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS) staff cannot see or review the application in this system until the applicant clicks the submit button.  However, staff can assist with any questions applicants have.  Please see the OGALS Project Officer contact page and use the blue column to find your assigned National Park Service Grants Project Officer.
  • Directions on resetting your password can be found here.